Search listings on this page for our on-campus student jobs offered in multiple departments at Manhattan School of Music.
- Please review the list and reach out to the job contact, if you have trouble getting in contact with someone, feel free to stop by their office in person to express your are interested in working.
- Different departments will require different things. Prepare an application below, and also be prepared to provide a Resume.
- Employment packets are available for pick up in the Office of Financial Aid once you have received an employment offer.
Federal Work Study
What is Federal Work Study?
- The Federal Work Study (FWS) program is a federally funded part time job program for college students. The program creates employment opportunities for students to earn funds to assist with their educational expenses. It is the responsibility of the students to find qualified employment to earn funds offered. Funds earned are not applied to the student’s account but are paid via a bi-weekly paycheck.
Who is eligible?
- Your federal Work-Study eligibility was determined by the Financial Aid Office based on your FAFSA determined financial need and your status as a full time student.
How do I find a job?
- The Federal work-study eligibility in your Financial Aid Package does not guarantee you a job. There are a limited number of FWS jobs available. The earlier you complete the on-line application process the greater your chances for FWS employment.
Due to limited FWS availability, you must have secured a job within 30 days after the start of classes or your FWS offer may be cancelled.
Application for Student Employment
In addition to the list below of on-campus student employment, the Center for Music Entrepreneurship curates an Opportunities Board for the MSM community, an online database featuring 1000+ off-campus opportunities for longer-term employment and career-advancing opportunities. Click here for more information.
The following positions are currently seeking employees:
Community Engagement Researcher
Community Impact Performer
Community Impact Instructors (for youth):
Community Impact Instructors (for elders):
Orto Center for Distance Learning and Recording Arts: Recording Studio Assistant
The following positions have been filled:
Admission Assistant
Circulation Desk Worker
CPP Assistants
Financial Aid Assistant
IT Student Worker
Jazz Arts MIDI Studio Assistant
Jazz Arts Technical Assistant
Jazz Arts Undergraduate Theory and Ear Training Assistant
Jazz Office Assistant/Tech Assistants
Mail & Copy Room Assistant
Opera Theatre and Musical Theatre Work Study Office Assistant
Orto Center for Distance Learning and Recording Arts: Doctoral Media Assistant
Percussion Assistants
Physical Therapy Student Aide
Precollege Theory Tutor
Precollege Work Study/Part-Time Office Assistant
Production Student Stage Technician
Scheduling & Patron Services Assistant
Special Projects Assistant
Student Engagement Office Assistant
Student Worker, CCRCI
Teaching Assistant (off-campus)
Woodwind Department Assistant

Students at MSM can work on an hourly basis for many School departments including Production, Communications, Distance Learning and the Center for Music Entrepreneurship.
Scholarships & Financial Aid
- Scholarships & Financial Aid Home
- Types of Aid
- How to Apply for Aid
- Financial Aid FAQ
- Federal Work Study
Financial Aid Resources
Important Forms
Useful Links
More about Financing Your Education
Financial Aid Resources